Rolf Eberhard
Amateur radio operator since 2004
Callsing: HB9TSO
Aviator, humanitarian aid, teacher and scout
Zurich-Forch / Meadenhead Locator JN47HH / Airport LSZH
My fascination in aviation and wireless communications since childhood lead to my qualification as a pilot and radio amateur. I work in aviation, humanitarian aid, education, and volunteer in a local scout group. In my spare time, I enjoy amateur radio with homebrewing, and participating in youth projects like ARISS and JOTA/JOTI. I also enjoy astronomy, analogue photography, teaching, and coaching. Futher interests are philosophical and theological topics.
I have been involved in aviation for almost 40 years on airplanes & helicopters and dispachting flights. Professionally since 1994 as First Officer, since 1999 as Captain and since 2012 as flight instructor.

Humanitarian Aid
In 1998 and 1999 I served in two army peacekeeping missions for the OSCE and UNHCR in the function as AIROPS, dispatcher and chief communication. This subsequently led to my part-time involvement in the Swiss Humanitarian Aid / SHA in two areas:
- USAR / URBAN SEARCH AND RESCUE as technoloy, support and logistig specialist
- RAPID RESPOND as technoloy and logistic specialist in addition with WASH and
My last mission was in february and march 2023 in Turkey in the region of Hattay, from where I was active as TA3/HB9TSO.
Training and education
In addition to the function as commander and flight instructor, I have mechanical education in the automotive field and furthermore a bachelors degree in teaching at primary school level.
In this context the synthesis of my background enables me to provide training and coaching in the areas of human factors, social interaction and professional skills, furthermore on a personal level or in the context of a team building to reach targets and goals.
This as a tutor and from adolescence to adulthood as a tutor, mentor and counsellor.